Saturday, 10 October 2009

Nausea and vomiting...are symptoms of everything! 09/10/09

So today I’ve been hit really hard by a vomiting bug. Was up at about 5am feeling seriously dodge and had some really bad stomach pain but managed to get back to sleep. However, by morning it was starting to become clear that something was really wrong ...
Anyway, to cut a long (boring) story short I have been vomiting all day with serious stomach pains and nausea. Can’t even keep water down so am attempting some re-hydration salts but the thought is making the nausea even worse (if possible). Still, it was bound to happen at some point and at least I have my own toilet.

So I’ll see if it gets any better tonight and if not by tomorrow then I think I may have to see a doctor as these are symptoms of a whole range of cheerful illnesses.

I shall now share some more cheerful stuff as I haven’t updated in a little while. Whilst back in Phnom Penh we had the opportunity to do some shopping which was lovely. I got some furniture for my house and cushions and things like that. Still need to do the practical shopping though, for things like cooking utensils and blankets! I really want one of these quilts I’ve seen which are made by local communities and sold in PP. I saw the shop whilst out on one of my epic bike rides around PP and now can’t remember where it was, so that’ll be another epic bike ride!

Jean has also promised to show me how to make yoghurt which will be ace. Dairy is not that big here and in MDK impossible to buy. Apparently all I need is live yoghurt and a thermos flask! It is very exciting!

Ok going to have to go now, typing is actually really sapping me of what little energy I have left. Urgh. Re-hydration salts.

Ta ta xx

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